Selasa, 13 Oktober 2020

Indonesia, The Best Accredited A and Baik Sekali


Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia, The Best Accredited A and Baik Sekali

Bandarlampung, - Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia is one of the best campuses in Lampung Province. The achievements of Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia are extraordinary considering that this campus has recently changed its status from Academy to University. Recently, this sang juara campus also received Accreditation A and Accreditation Baik Sekali from BAN-PT.

The ranking is in accordance with the clustering issued by the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud) of Republic of Indonesia on 18 August 2020. Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia is one of the best private universities in Lampung Province, Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia entered the row, defeating dozens of other campuses in Lampung Province.

Based on information collected through the Instagram account @ditjen.dikti on August 17, 2020, the clustering was carried out with the aim of building a foundation for the Ministry of Cultural Education, and universities to make continuous improvements in order to improve organizational health performance. In 2020, as many as 2,136 Indonesian universities are included in the clustering, 48 of them are universities in Lampung Province.

Students or prospective students who want to see the rankings and clustering of each campus can be seen on the Instagram account @ditjen.dikti. Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia has received accreditation A and Accreditation Baik Sekali. This is in accordance with the certificate issued by the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN-PT) No. 2088 / SK / BAN-PT / Ak-PPJ / Dpl-III / IV / 2020, that the Accounting Information System Study Program at the Diploma III Program of Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia, meets the requirements for an A accreditation.

In addition,Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia also achieved Baik Sekali accreditation from the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN-PT), the first in Sumatra. This excellent accreditation is based on the BPN PT decree number: 643 / SK / BAN-PT / Akred / PT / VIII / 2020, with a grade of 304.

Rector of the Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia Dr. HM Nasrullah Yusuf, SE, MBA said that the achievement of excellent accreditation is a reflection of the hard work of all parties. "Alhamdulillah, this result is a reflection of the hard work of the entire management, lecturers, employees and of course the students of Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia. Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia is the first to get this title on the island of Sumatra. Hopefully we can maintain the community's trust and mandate in holding this title," Nasrullah Yusuf said.

Meanwhile, Vice Rector I, Dr. H Mahathir Muhammad, SE., MM, said that his party is committed to increasing clustering by increasing the role of research, scientific publications, PKM and also strengthening innovation products. So that students studying at the Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia is not only equipped with knowledge, but also skills so that after completing education, it can be accepted by society and can compete in the world of work.

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